An often disregarded part of swimming success is proper swimming nutrition. This sole aspect can be the difference between a good and bad result. Often this is ignored because the athlete or their parents are simply unaware.

Understand what to eat and when with our comprehensive nutrition tips for swimmers. Improve your endurance and recovery with smart dietary choices.

This blog aims to provide this awareness and help athletes achieve their maximum potential. 


Nutrients For Swimming

The five main nutrients that are often talked about are

  • Carbohydrates,
  • Fats,
  • Proteins,
  • Vitamins and
  • Minerals. 

Balancing Nutrients for Swimming can boost your Performance

Carbohydrates (Main fuel source) 

Simple carbs

This is considered short term energy for the body. Foods like candy, chocolate, and fruits all contain it. This type of carb results in a sudden blood sugar spike and therefore a fast burst of energy. 


Complex carb

this is the long term energy for the body. Foods like pasta, beans, and oats all contain it. Since these foods take longer to digest, they result in a more gradual rise of blood sugar, therefore a stable supply of energy. 

Importance of Carbohydrate for Swimming


Proteins (Building blocks)

This nutrient is essential for muscle repair and growth. During training muscles get micro tears, it is important to have enough protein to be able to fix this. Protein can be acquired from foods like chicken, eggs, and peanut butter.  


Fats (Secondary fuel source)

This nutrient is the slowest source of energy, but the most energy efficient – meaning it can provide long term energy, and also take less space to store. This nutrient is found in foods like salmon, avocado, and nuts. 


Vitamins & Minerals

These are micronutrients that are used in small amounts to keep a variety of metabolic processes functional. Both vitamins and minerals should be acquired through nutrient rich foods, however athletes might need to take supplements to keep up with the workload.

Foods rich in vitamins include most vegetables, and fruits. Foods rich in minerals include nuts, eggs, and leafy greens. 


Pre workout Nutrition 


The snack should be something easy to digest. Foods that apply to the simple carb category are best.


Try to incorporate a snack no less than 30-60 minutes before your workout. 


It is important to have a pre workout snack, this will optimize performance and minimize the use of muscles as an energy source. 


Post workout nutrition 


This snack should also apply to the simple carbs category. 


Make an effort to eat the snack as soon as you can after practice, no more than 45 min post workout.


It is extremely important to replace depleted energy stores in the muscles, and helps speed up muscle recovery. 


*Important Note*  

Post or Pre workout snacks DO NOT substitute a proper meal (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). 



Water plays a vital role in our body. It delivers nutrients to cells, gets rid of toxins, and helps maintain many of our body’s functions. Without proper hydration, all of the nutrients discussed above will go to waste.

An adequate amount of water intake is 50 ml per kg of body weight. During practice swimmers should aim to drink 100 ml every 20 minutes. 


Athletes plate examples (portions are different for everyone) 


Oatmeal, eggs, spinach, tomatoes


Chicken breast, pasta, avocado, mixed greens


Lean piece of fish, brown rice, asparagus or brussel sprouts. 


Monitoring and optimizing your nutrition is essential for maximizing performance and progress as an athlete. Adequately replenishing nutrients lost during training supports optimal recovery and sustained energy levels.

Maintaining a balanced diet, rich in a variety of foods, ensures that you receive all necessary nutrients for peak performance.

Remember, diversity in your diet not only enhances your overall health but also supports your athletic endeavors by providing a broad spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients.


Looking for a Swimming Training Club in Toronto?

New Swimming Registration is Open AT RocketSwim


At RocketSwim, we provide a comprehensive range of swimming lessons designed to meet the needs of every swimmer. Our Competitive Swimming Lessons are perfect for those aiming to enhance their skills and compete at higher levels. With experienced coaches and a rigorous training regimen, you’ll be prepared to excel in competitive swimming.


For adults looking to learn or refine their swimming techniques, our Adult Swimming Lessons offer a supportive and engaging environment. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your strokes, our expert instructors will guide you every step of the way.


Families can also enjoy swimming together with our Family Swimming Lessons. These sessions are designed to accommodate swimmers of all ages and skill levels, making it a fun and educational experience for the whole family.


We pride ourselves on offering top-notch swimming lessons in Toronto. Our team of experienced coaches is dedicated to guiding you through every stroke of your swimming journey, ensuring you gain confidence and skills in the water.

Whether you’re looking to compete or simply enjoy swimming as a lifelong skill, RocketSwim provides a supportive and enriching environment for all levels.


Ready to make a splash? Join RocketSwim today and dive into a world of exceptional swimming training. Learn more about our programs and sign up for a class that suits your needs.

Don’t wait—take the plunge with RocketSwim and experience the best in swimming training!